Removing Mud and Crayon Stains from Your Carpet
03/28/2014 Back To Blog
Residential carpet cleaning can be an ongoing job when you have little ones in the house. If you have children or even a pet, you have been faced with the task of figuring out a way to get mud out of your carpet. To no fault of their own, children and pets are so active that they get into a little bit of everything which can sometimes add to your list of things to do on a daily basis. When faced with ridding mud from your rug you have to take a different approach to carpet cleaning.
Mud Stains
When cleaning your carpet, mud is one of those stains that you must allow to completely dry before you attempt to get it up. When the mud dries completely, brush or scrape off as much of it as you can. Carpet cleaning Highland Park recommends mixing warm water, white vinegar, and some mild detergent. Apply the solution directly to the spot. You can let it dry and if the stain remains then repeat the process until the stain is removed. Once the stain is completely removed and the area dries completely, vacuum it thoroughly.
Crayon Stains
Again, if you have children then you must have experienced finding crayons crushed into the pile. It is a very emotional time for them because they are so fascinated with just about everything so breaking crayons is in their top ten. It is agonizing for a parent because they are faced with another stain removal task.
You must scrape away all excess crayons content.
A blotter must be placed over the crayon stain. You must press the blotter with a warm iron until the blotter absorbs the crayon. The blotter must be moved frequently so it does not get saturated with melted crayon. Let it dry completely once you are done, then vacuum it thoroughly.